Instead, I've been constantly refreshing any authority on baseball news since the GM meetings ended.
Oh, and mourning the fact that Jacoby fired his old agent for that spawn of Satan who is/was, at the time of The Betrayal*, Johnny Damon's agent, as well as that of A-Rod (plus Dice-K and 'Tek, though): Scott Boras. He's up there with A-Snob and Barry Bonds as my top 3 least favorite baseball-related people.
Not much else to say, except to mention my Soxy Hanukkah presents: two books about baseball, as well as Baseball Mogul '08, which looks awesome. If this sort of present-ing goes on, I'll be equipped to last at least until January.
Also, a funny quote from Jacoby: "I am just trying to stay in shape and be ready for spring. I am actually taking yoga classes, to keep stress off my joints. It's great. You have these big strong guys and little old ladies all doing it--it's not just sitting on your butt, stretching. I am telling you, yoga is tough." My mom is really into yoga--she's been trying for a while to get me to start up, which I'm not really enthusiastic about, but it's a great description.
*With capital letters.